by Flo Schneider, 22 March 2015

After a while of leaving the project at rest, I finally pushed some features that I already developed a while ago, into version 0.2 of the jekyll-lablog template.

A demo and documentation can be found here.

For more than half a year now, I use it to generate a slim static website to browse my over 200 notes on articles I was reading, conferences and seminars I was attending, on my thoughts and ideas, and my code development. It helps me to manage my projects in tasklists and organise my notes using tags.

I believe it is a great way to manage notes that allows to be independent of third party services like Onenote and Evernote. I gladly share it with you. Any comments, feature requests or bug reports are welcome (via e-mail or GitHub Issues or pull request).

If you want to get started, just install Jekyll and clone the source code on GitHub.

New features:

  • New typeset using Open Sans and minimalist icons (compiled using IcoMoon).
  • A dark, responsive menu. It smartly provides direct links to all pages or posts that have a menu: variable specified in their yml header.
  • Revised footer, including links and icons and an RSS/Atom feed.
  • Manage your projects using a layout file that collects all content that has a specific tag.
  • Automatically collapse completed tasks (toggle switch will follow).
  • Enable multiple tasklists, that are compiled into a long one.