The smart menu compiles all the information you want to have at hand. It links to the archive and tags page, to the global tasklist, and to any project pages you might have included in your repository (any page that calls layout: project in the yml front matter).

But you are very flexible in extending it. You can add the parameter menu: true in the front matter of literally any page or post, which will automatically generate a link to that page.

You can include the entire content of a file called (must have a yml front matter), or of any file that calls layout: menu in it’s front matter. But you should use this only on files with little content.

The order in which the menu is built is as follows

  1. Home page
  2. global tasklist or tasks.html
  3. tags or tags.html
  4. archive or archive.html
  5. project pages layout: project
  6. pages with menu: true
  7. posts with menu: true
  8. content of
  9. content of all files with layout: menu