Florian D. Schneider


by  Florian D. Schneider

After lunch, we went to a beach at the side of the main river to spend the afternoon. After a swim, I was keen to start work just there, in the water.

While forming the rather static concentric ripples on the gravel and sand under water, I was contemplating the ripples at the surface. They come in different sizes, depending on the mass and energy of their cause. A drop of water, a person jumping in the water, a ship passing by.

Whatever their size, they appear ignorant of the respective smaller ripples.

I tried to capture these multi-scale ripples on the surface on video.

sand & gravel, video
at Global Nomadic Art Project, Germany, 2019
29 August 2019
All photographs on this page Ⓒ 2019 Florian D. Schneider.